Home ONNX SAM2 Segment Anything

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  • Still in development, use it at your own risk.
  • For now only the image prediction is available, the video prediction will be available soon.
  • Other limitations: Only default resolution, no box input (only points and mask) and maybe more


git clone https://github.com/ibaiGorordo/ONNX-SAM2-Segment-Anything.git
cd ONNX-SAM2-Segment-Anything
pip install -r requirements.txt

ONNX Runtime

For Nvidia GPU computers: pip install onnxruntime-gpu

Otherwise: pip install onnxruntime

ONNX model

  • Use this Google Colab notebook to convert the encoder and decoder models: Open In Colab
  • Place the models in the models folder

Original Semgent Anything Model 2 (SAM2)

The original SAM2 model can be found in this repository: SAM2 Repository

  • The License of the models is Apache 2.0: License



  • Image inference: Runs the image segmentation model on an image given some points defined in the script.
     python image_segmentation.py


  • point_coords: This is a list of 2D numpy arrays, where each element in the list correspond to a different label. For example, for 3 different labels, the list will contain 3 numpy arrays. Each numpy array contains Nx2 points, where N is the number of points and the second axis contains the X,Y coordinates (of the original image)
  • point_labels: This is a list of 1D numpy arrays, where each element in the list correspond to a different label. For example, for 3 different labels, the list will contain 3 numpy arrays. Each numpy array contains N points, where N is the number of points. The value can be 0 or 1, where 0 represents a negative value and 1 a positive value, i.e. the objects is present at that pixel location.

  • SAM2 Annotation App: A minimal GUI to annotate images with the SAM2 model.
     python webcam_depth_estimation.py

    Annotation Controls (Video: https://youtu.be/9lW3_g1fjnA?si=X49Vz1ow45NMMYVn)

  • Left click: Adds a positive point, but if another point is close enough, it will delete it
  • Right click: Adds a negative point
  • Add label button: Adds a new label for annotation
  • Delete label button: Deletes the last label


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.